Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Want to convert .pdf to .doc or .rtf?

Dear Colleagues,

At times you may have felt the need to convert pdf to .doc or .rtf.

This utility does this work to great satisfaction (I checked it already with a complex pdf) and results were good.


Site says:
The Most Accurate PDF-to-Word Converter

Using our PDF-to-Word conversion technology, you can quickly and easily create editable DOC/RTF files, making it a cinch to re-use PDF content in applications like Microsoft Word, Excel, OpenOffice, and WordPerfect.
Best of all, it's entirely free!

In addition to this, you may find this useful to you:


The Most Accurate PDF-to-Excel Converter

Use PDF to Excel to quickly and easily create highly-editable XLS files, making it a cinch to re-use tables and spreadsheets from PDF files in Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice, Google Docs, and WordPerfect Office. Best of all, it's entirely free!

PDF to Excel Online

Enjoy the conversion!

R C Sharma

Friday, May 13, 2011

Tool useful to English Language Teachers and Students

Russell Stannard
This tool is amazing. It allows you to convert any website into a clickable page that will immediately connect to a dictionary that gives you the meanings of the words. It also collects the words in a history list and allows you to play games with them. See this to believe it!!!

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Tool for your web-conferencing needs

Dear Friends,

For your teaching - learning you may find the need to have web-conferencing facility.
Elluminate is a good tool for that (of course, there are some pricing options for that).

The Blackboard Inc. has launched LearnCentral™  where you get:

    A free 3-seat Elluminate virtual meeting room
    Thousands of community-generated learning resources
    A professional learning directory of your peers
    To participate in LearnCentral events and webinars

To sign up for a free, no obligation three-user version of Elluminate, please visit http://www.getvroom.com

Happy web-conferencing!!

Ramesh Sharma